Welcome, we are the faces of Honey Trail Farm.

In 2021, after years of dreaming of a life in the country, we bought the farm! We had a desire to live a simpler life of raising our own animals and really knowing where our food came from.

I was so excited for this life I had been waiting for, that I am pretty sure that I placed my order for new chicks before all the paperwork was even done, ha! From that moment on we jumped right into the farm life. We built a mobile chicken coop so that our layers could be out on fresh pasture all season, and we raised our first batch of meat chickens and turkeys in a Joel Salatin style chicken tractor that we moved 1 or 2 times every day to fresh grass. We brought home our first milk cow, Miss Honey, that provided our family with not only gallons of fresh raw milk every day but also beef calves to grow up for our freezer…and then came Candy, our second dairy girl. We even raised a couple of pigs that gave us hundreds of pounds of ethically raised pork. We grew a garden and spent countless hours processing and putting away our summer bounty so that we could have a stocked winter pantry filled with healthy, whole foods that we really worked hard for.

All of this to say that we learned a lot in our first couple of years on the farm. What we really learned could never be taught in a book or in a classroom. We learned the value of really working hard and trying new things and not giving up when the going gets tough. We learned the satisfying feeling of really knowing where our food comes from and teaching our children those values.

Food is one thing that we all have in common, that we all need to sustain us. In 2023 we really want to reach out to our community and provide the same level of fresh and nutrient dense foods that we have come to love so much, to you!

So whether you are going to buy into a farm subscription box filled with the seasons bounty, a fresh flower bouquet to gift to a loved one or just bring a little sunshine to your dining room table, or just purchase items on farm, we want to say thank you for supporting our little farm dream. The world needs more small farms and we feel honored to be one of them.

- The Johnson Family